
The Arrival

Pictured above are 116 Russian refugees standing in front of the CPR passengers cars that brought them from Vancouver B.C. to Wetaskiwin, Alberta, June 24, 1924. They were feted by a lunch and this photo provided by the Wetaskiwin Kiwanis Club. After their lunch their hosts offered transportation to the CPR Homeglen colony west of Wetaskiwin and north of Rimby. The colony only lasted four years.

The Colony

This image is thought to be the original Homeglen campsite where the Russian refugees spent their first days in Canada.

The Homeglen Legacy Fund

If you're descendants of family names like Andreeff, Braetsky, Dannilo, Dournovo, Gostenko, Kaelokov-Safonev, Klopkov, Kozansky, Lebedkin, Lenshakov, Mihailoff, Mirolocbev, Mishalev, Paltev, Polushin, Sharigin, Sideroff, Starosadtchev, Tarasev, Tchirkev, Velinkin, Vodokiko, you've likely enjoyed the benefits of being Canadian. Likewise friends of people like these refugees know how much better life is than what was left behind. With this in mind, a pay it forward opportunity exists, please DONATE to the fund. You can forever change the lives of others with your tax deductible donation today.