House of Golitsyn

One thing about examining history is that it creates cross references and questions. Val Thiessen’s recent post referenced Prince Leo Galitzine. A similar name but spelt slightly differently (Prince Alexander V. Golitsin) also appears in The Russian Refugees (Heritage House Publishing). He, with a chap named Robert MacGrath, write a 1924 letter to W.J. Egan, Deputy Minister of Immigration for Canada. In it they explain the nature and characteristics of 16,000 Russian refugees massed in Harbin China and they ask Canada to consider absorbing some of them. (As a side note, the son of Alexander becomes a movie director in California where Leo ends up as a part time actor.) Canada responds to the Golitsin/MacGrath memo by agreeing to admit 30 families. The 30 families that Col. Orest Dournovo compiled on his list of Homeglen bound Russian refugees. Copies of these memos were sourced from the Library and Archives Canada are attached.

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